After a flurry of excitement over the past couple of days, I'm finally settled - and coherent - enough to share my latest news... My novel, Grace and Serenity, is going to be published in July 2020 by Vine Leaves Press! This is me signing the actual contract!! I look a lot more calm and composed than I felt. Vine Leaves published my short story collection, You. I. Us., and I'm delighted to be working with them again - and especially to acquire another of Jessica Bell's amazing covers. If you want to keep updated on the book's progress, use the box at the top right of this page to sign up for my newsletter - I'll be sharing snippets from the book, offering early review copies, and having a celebratory giveaway in the near future (chocolate, it'll be chocolate 😋) The next newsletter will be out on the 12th August. 14/8/2019 11:53:36
Annalisa! I'm a bit slow on the uptake but oh my, I had to write, that is just fantastic news. I am absolutely delighted for you, and very well deserved, no doubt about that. I also noticed your second place in the Retreat West comp. Also brilliant! Look forward to hearing more and meanwhile, enjoy the publishing ride :) Jackie x
Annalisa Crawford
17/8/2019 08:33:30
Hi Jackie, thank you so much! I'm still bouncing around - mostly because the hard work hasn't started yet lol Comments are closed.