For the past few months, I've been mentioning the author signing I'm taking part in, at the end of January.
Well, now, I'm giving you the chance to win two day tickets to the event, to meet not just me but 24 other indie authors as well!
Simply click the Indie Pop-Up Signing image on the left to find out more about the event.
You can also click this link right here to get up to date information about the authors on the event's Facebook page. All you have to do, to be in with a chance of winning, is sign up to my mailing list before the 29th December, because the giveaway is happening on there. Nope, I have no idea why the subscription form looks like that, either! I know mailing lists can sometimes be overwhelming, but I send mine out roughly six times a year, or occasionally when I have something really exciting to share. (Don't tell anyone I said this, but after the winner is announced, you could always, quietly, unsubscribe... sssh...) If you celebrate Christmas, I hope you have a very merry one, and good luck for the giveaway! Comments are closed.