I've had a great couple of weeks - Hubby, the kids and the dog were all away for a time, so I used the empty house to my advantage and wrote. My plan was to write 25 flash fiction pieces in a week, and I rose to the challenge. Since then, I've been typing up the best of them - there are 19 good ones, and 6 that are going to languish in my notebook. I'm currently writing some new ones, and considering entering a couple of flash fiction competitions... In the last post, I mentioned my Personal Training course, and putting all the new stuff I've been learning into practise. Or, to be more exact, putting into practise all the stuff I knew before but forgot... like, if you want to get fitter and lose that last bit of body fat, then intensity is key. I've been working so much harder, in less time. I leave the gym, each and every time, looking a bit zombiefied, but feeling awesome. Drop me a message if you want to know the secret ;-) And finally, I've been interviewed on Write with Fey today. Please stop by and say hi - I'm sharing some random facts, my writing process and what my old English teacher thinks of me!
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